All reviews written by Chris Vaughan ©2011

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Lost Highway (1997)

Now, I thought writing a review for Wild At Heart was hard...

Monday, 18 April 2011

Wild At Heart (1990)

Now, time to tackle some Lynch.

Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973)

My first review is going to be on a film that has had a lot of controversy surrounding the film itself and the releasing of the film by Synapse in 2004...
In 2004 Synapse released two dvd's of Thriller: A Cruel Picture. One under that very name and another under the name Thriller: They Call Her One Eye which was "cut" by 3 minutes, mostly hardcore inserts that were shot by body doubles. The cut version is the one I'll be reviewing. Possible spoilers follow...

Sunday, 3 April 2011

About me

Hello there,

My name is Chris and this site has been set up so I can share my views on the films that I love and others that I don't.
I am a big movie fan and will watch anything but my favourite genres are Gialli, Euro Crime, Horror and Exploitation.
Please excuse they layout of this blog at this time, I am new to blogger and the main thing for this blog is the review content.
Anyway, reviews to follow...